Urine – Ketone Bodies


Urine - Ketone Bodies

The test measures the amount of ketone present in your urine.

Urine - Ketone Bodies Tests

Urine-Bile salt & bile pigment

The presence of bile pigments in urine can be detected using this test. This test is used to diagnose jaundice, pregnant pruritus, and a variety of liver and kidney problems.


The amount of ketones in the urine is measured by a ketone urine test.


A normal urine culture measures the number of germs (microorganisms such as bacteria) in the urine.


A urine pH test determines how acidic your urine is.

Urine-Reducing Substance

In most cases, reducing chemicals are not found in urine or faeces. The presence of reducing sugars, such as glucose, lactose, maltose, fructose, and galactose, will be detected by this test.

Test Table

Test Parameter Sample Methodology Temp. Schedule Reporting Price (INR) Clinical Information
Urine - Ketone Bodies Urine (5 ml) Reagent strip reflectance A Daily 4 Hours 130 -
Urine –Bile salt & Bile Pigment Urine (5 ml) Reagent strip reflectance A Daily 4 Hours 130 -
Urine- Ketone Urine (5 ml) Reagent strip reflectance A Daily 4 Hours 130 -
Urine -Protein Urine (5 ml) Reagent strip reflectance A Daily 4 Hours 130 -
Urine-pH Urine (5 ml) Reagent strip reflectance A Daily 4 Hours 130 -
Urine-Reducing Substance Urine (5 ml) Reagent strip reflectance A Daily 4 Hours 130 -