


This test measures the levels of potassium in the blood. Potassium is present in the form of electrolytes in our body. Therefore, this test is included along with testing other minerals in the blood, altogether called an electrolyte panel.

Doctors use this test to detect abnormal potassium levels in the body, which might indicate kidney diseases, high blood pressure, and heart diseases.

Potassium Tests

Potassium-Urine-24 Hrs

A urine potassium test measures the levels of potassium in the urine sample. In a 24 hours test, the person needs to collect their urine during a 24-hour window into a container, which is then sent to the lab for testing.


In a random urine potassium test, a random urine sample is collected at the medical center and sent for testing.

Test Table

Test Parameter Sample Methodology Temp. Schedule Reporting Price (INR) Clinical Information
Potassium Serum (1ml) ISE A/R Daily 4 Hours 180 To monitor acute/chronic hyperkalemia,Hypokalemia
Potassium-Urine-24 Hrs Urine (25ml) ISE A/R Daily 4 Hours 300 Dehydration/Electrolyte balance. 24 hrs urine volume required
Potassium-Urine-Random Urine (25ml) ISE A/R Daily 4 Hours 300 -