HIV Rapid & Antibodies


HIV 1 & 2 (Rapid)

The HIV 1 & 2 Antibody Test is a rapid immunochromatographic assay used to detect antibodies against HIV type 1 and type 2 in human serum, plasma, or blood samples.

Since it’s a rapid test, the results are reflected in less than 15 minutes. As HIV-1 antibody tests do not always detect HIV-2 infections, doctors recommend having both tests.


HIV 1 & 2 Antibodies

HIV 1 & 2 antibodies in a person’s blood sample confirm an HIV infection. HIV 1 is the most common type of HIV infection that affects nearly 95% of people around the world who are living with HIV.

HIV 2 is comparatively rare, but they are transmitted by direct contact with bodily fluids.

Test Table

Test Parameter Sample Methodology Temp. Schedule Reporting Price (INR) Clinical Information
HIV 1& 2 (Rapid) Serum (1 ml) Immunochromatography A/R Daily 4 Hours 280 -
HIV 1& 2 antibodies Serum (1 ml) CLIA A/R Daily 4 Hours 400 -