D-Dimer Test


D-Dimer Test

The D-Dimer tests diagnose conditions related to thrombosis or blood clotting. The test measures a protein element known as D-Dimer produced when a blood clot dissolves. It is a blood test that helps rule out clotting episodes and disorders like Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). A D-Dimer test is done when:

  • There are blood clot symptoms
  • Presence of disorders that cause frequent blood clots
  • To monitor the treatment of blood clotting disorders like Pulmonary embolism,
    Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, and stroke
  • Detection of Covid-19

For this test, a blood sample is obtained and tested for the levels of D-Dimer present in the blood. Higher levels of D-Dimer may indicate the existence of a blood clotting condition.

Test Table

Test Parameter Sample Methodology Temp. Schedule Reporting Price (INR) Clinical Information
D-Dimer Plasma- Na Citrated (1ml) Nephelometry R/F Daily 4 Hours 1100 Clinical History Required

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