Coombs Test
Coombs Test - Direct
The human antibodies are natural warriors of the body. They fight germs and viruses, but mistakenly, they attack the healthier RBCs and other cells. The coombs test checks the antibodies attacking the healthy blood cells via the blood.
The Direct Coombs test is done when symptoms suggest blood-related issues. For example, after blood transfusion, the patient might have hematological problems when the existing antibodies treat foreign blood particles as invaders. So this test is required in such cases.

Coombs Test - Indirect

It is a preventive test to prevent any possible future blood problems. The donors’ blood is checked before transfusion to ensure that it does not contain the disguised antibodies that would cause a reaction in a receiver, basically a “type and screen” process.
Test Table
Test Parameter | Sample | Methodology | Temp. | Schedule | Reporting | Price (INR) | Clinical Information |
Coombs Test - Direct | WB-EDTA (3 ml) | Microscopy | A | Daily | 4 Hours | 300 | Clinical History Required |
Coombs Test - Indirect | Serum (1ml) | Microscopy | A | Daily | 4 Hours | 300 | Clinical History Required |