


Cholinesterase test helps detect any nervous system problems in the body. It looks upon the levels of acetylcholinesterase and pseudocholinesterase. Both of these are needed to send signals to the nervous system. Sometimes, this test becomes necessary when the patient is infected with certain pesticides or when he inherits pseudocholinesterase deficiency.

The tests for RBC acetylcholinesterase(AChE) and serum pseudocholinesterase (PChE) are considered to detect pesticides. The test is performed on a blood sample drawn from the vein inside the elbow or the back of the wrist. Normal cholinesterase levels are from 8 to 18 units/milliliter.

Test Table

Test Parameter Sample Methodology Temp. Schedule Reporting Price (INR) Clinical Information
Cholinesterase Serum (1 ml) Butyrlthiocholine A/R Daily 4 Hours 700 Low levels seen in liver damage,acute infection & chronic malnutrition.