Blood Grouping A, B, O, and Rh Type


Blood Grouping A, B, O, and Rh Type

The blood group ABO and Rh factor tests are undertaken to ascertain the category of blood group and the type of Rh factor in the patient’s body. Blood testing is done when:

  • blood or blood components transfusion is required
  • an organ donation is to be carried out, or an organ is expected to be received
  • tissue or bone marrow transplantation is to be done
  • to assess the risk of Rh incompatibility with the fetus in a pregnant woman

For the blood sample collection, the site from where the blood is to be extracted is rubbed with disinfected. An elastic band is tied in the upper arm. The needle is inserted, the blood is collected into the container.

Test Table

Test Parameter Sample Methodology Temp. Schedule Reporting Price (INR) Clinical Information
Blood Grouping (A B O) and Rh Type WB-EDTA (3 ml) Gel Tube Method/slide Agglutination A Daily 4 Hours 80 Useful in blood transfusions.