

This test measures the levels of PAPP-A protein in the plasma. It is one of the most significant proteins secreted by the placenta and the embryo during pregnancy. The PAPP-A’s primary role is to protect the developing foetus from the maternal immune system and is also responsible for developing the foetus body.

Doctors use this test as a marker to assess foetal development. Elevated PAPP-A levels during the pregnancy are a good indicator that the foetus has optimal growth. However, if PAPP-A levels are low and do not rise, there are high chances that the baby will be born with chromosomal disorders. Other than that, low levels also indicate increased chances of high blood pressure in the mother, stillbirth, or premature birth.

Test Table

Test Parameter Sample Methodology Temp. Schedule Reporting Price (INR) Clinical Information
PAPP-A Serum (1ml) Chemiluminescence A/R Daily 4 Hours 1000 First trimester marker for fetal trisomy

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